Elder Orchard was called by his mission president on Tuesday and asked to move into the mission home (he usually lives at the mission office) for the week to help with some mission business. I won't discuss it because of the sensitive nature but it is a week he will most likely never forget. He was given a variety of assignments including cooking and cleaning! It looks like he did a pretty good job to me:) If I were to guess, I would say he is making chicken fettucine alfredo. It looks delicious!
Mad cooking skills most likely learned from his mother! |
The words of Sister Stutznegger:
We are just two. We often have to rely on a few of our missionaries to do some “other than missionary” work. Someone has to pay bills, arrange for VISA’s, gather referrals, and order supplies. These missionaries split their time between both duties. We have to rely on our Assistants to go with us to teach, make myriads of phone calls, and be examples of righteousness. They do this along with missionary work.
This week was one that we taxed the strength of these missionaries. Elders Olson, Orchard, Hixon, and Cuscagua – here is a shout out to you! We love and appreciate all the time you stood by us this week. In years to come, this week will always be one of those that we will remember!
The words of Elder Orchard:
"yeah it was a rough week we are exhausted but we are done with it and this week we will have time to go work in our area a little bit"
More mom commentary:
I am adding this note in January of 2020. I hope enough time has passed that the things I add will not cause problems for anyone but I wanted to make sure I preserved this message. I think it's important for Douglas' mission history. I am adding the sweet email I got from his mission mom about this week. It was sent to me and Elder Olson's mom.
More mom commentary:
I am adding this note in January of 2020. I hope enough time has passed that the things I add will not cause problems for anyone but I wanted to make sure I preserved this message. I think it's important for Douglas' mission history. I am adding the sweet email I got from his mission mom about this week. It was sent to me and Elder Olson's mom.
Hi you two moms,
I wanted to share a few things with you. This is something that you won’t see on my blog – and you may not see in your letters from your sons. Their letters tomorrow may, or may not be quite interesting!
We have had quite a week here. I’d like you to know how valuable and loved your sons are to us. Literally they were the ones that kept us going at times.
Last Tuesday we had reports of a few Elders who have been having visions, rebuking spirits, and getting revelation. One of them is sure that he will be the next apostle next week. They have seen angels and been taught by this angel new ways of giving blessings. They have made prophecies some of which have been fulfilled. They are sincere in their beliefs.
We heard about it on Tuesday. We closed everything else down and went to work. By Tuesday evening we had 10 Elders in our home. 5 Elders were ones that we could trust. The 5 others we had serious questions about. Your sons were 2 of the trusted ones. We pulled them out of the offices and they moved in. Since Tuesday we have interviewed 15 Elders, written 17 pages of documentation, and been in close contact with SLC.
Your sons have cooked and cleaned. They have interpreted for me as I type. They have been at our call and have done every little thing they could for us. They have missed nights of sleep watching over other Elders. They have been protecting us. They have been cheerful, made us laugh, and kept us steady at times. At one point I had my head on Elder Orchards shoulder as he told me everything would be all right. We have made shifts in the mission and they have helped.
On top of all of that, we have sent an extra 2 Elders home this week. One just wanted to go, the other one was mentally collapsing. They spent Friday night with him, here at the house, keeping everything light and funny. We all took him to the airport, shared lunch, and sent this fine Elder home to his parents.
We are tired, and so are your sons. But I wanted you to know how we regard and love these two. Bless the fine parents that you are. Thank you for sharing these two with us. They are forever in our hearts!
Love, Susan