Monday, January 18, 2016

Down Another Pair of Pants and No Colonoscopy!

Well this was a really busy week for us here in the offices!  It seems like just yesterday I was writing you!  Lets see how this weeks roundup goes! 

Tuesday we Had a really good day! In the morning we headed out to Polanco because it was the first day that Visas and such was all opened. We waited in a super long line until we could get in and get the stuff done!  It is always the worst though because we travel so much that we get back just exhausted!  We went to the food and the members we ate with had invited someone to learn about the Gospel and so we had a good lesson at the food!  It is awesome when the ward actually starts to work how they should work!  We have a lot more success!  Then when we had finished eating we went for Daniel one of the counselors and we went out to teach Julio with his Cousin so that way she could listen to the lessons as well!  So that was about all that we had that day!  It was short and simple but it was good!

Wednesday we had a pretty slow day as well. The morning we started working all good and then pres showed up and he was like hey we are painting your office today so lets get everything moved and taped and lets get going! So that was a little curveball into the plans!  It kind of shut down office work for us for two days in what it took to get everything put away and all taped and painted and all that stuff!
Elder Orchard ripped out his pants while working on the office.  To my knowledge, this is pair #3!

So that was what we did in the morning and then headed out for the food and ate with the Family Macedo! One of my favorite families here!  They are a family that when I got here were in the process of getting active again!  They getting ready to enter the temple and get sealed and we are so excited for them!  Hopefully we will be able to go with them!  So after the food we went and saw our ward mission leader and had our Correlacion meeting! It was good and our ward mission leader is the biggest stud!  We started a calender so that way we can have family nights with the members and that they can invite their friends and families!  With him we went and saw Julio and had a really good lesson with him! He has really been struggling! His dad took away his Panadaria and so he kind of hit rock bottom again.  It is something that is really sad!  But it all makes sense! One thing that Elder Nielson said when he was here is that the Laws of the commandments don't just go for members!  The example that he put is Tiger Woods.  He said ever since Tiger had his affair he hasn't won a tournament! It was very interesting! Apart from his family and his money and everything he lost he also lost his golf swing is what Elder Nielson said!  And it is so true!  This is one of the things that we were able to see with Julio this week!  Ever since he started getting money he had been struggling with the word of Wisdom.  And his dad just came and took everything from him because he hadn't been doing what he was suppose to! It is so sad when we are trying to help and he won't let us help him!  It is getting really hard for us because he has so much time and gets so close but he just doesn't do it!  I don't really know how to help him anymore!  After the appointment we were going to go to our favorite tacos but it was a four hour wait and so we didn't get any!  It was sad!  I was waiting forever to eat them again and it was a huge line! So we just went home!  

Thursday we got out of the house late and so it was kind of a not very productive day it felt like! We ate at Daniel's house and so we kind of taught his cousin again without really teaching her straight up!  And then after we went and got to know someone who was a less active that is looking to change his life and we put an appointment for Saturday so that way we could teach him and that he would go to church.  Then we headed off to our PEC meeting.  Where yet again the Hermano Macedo was just killing it!  He is trying to get things going for our ward! I think that he is going to be the bishop here before too long.  Our Bishop has lots and lots of time as our bishop and it is time for a change! And the Hermano Macedo is just a stud!  We planned a temple trip as a ward and an activity for the priesthood!  He did visits with our Ward mission leader and they decided that they are going to start contacting the part member families to put us in contact with them so that way they can get baptized as well.  Then we just finished some little things before going home!

Friday was kind of an interesting day! I had a doctors appointment in the night and so we were going to go to the food and then head home and that was the plan.  So we worked in the morning and then headed out to the food! We are walking to the food and we find the sister who is going to give us to eat.  and she is like Elders they just Cut everyones light but don't worry I am about done! Lets go get some soup and head back to the house! So we get the soup and get back and she had just run out of gas! So now we are without light without gas and all the food is like kind of made! Not enough to eat but too done to just throw it into the fridge!  The worst part of all is she is pretty poor.  She doesn't have enough to give us to eat and so another sister gives her money to cook for us.  So we just went to like a little kitchen thing and we bought her food and we just ate there together for a little bit and talked!  It was quite the experience we had!  Then we went with Pres and went to the doctors.  Things went good I guess. All my tests showed up normal except for one and now they want to check because the one that turned out bad was the one that has to do with the things in your stomach and intestines that fight off sickness like this and so I have some hope that it will be this. It sounds like an easier fix for us!  I don't have to have a colonoscopy which is the good thing!  Then we went out with pres for tacos and it was good!  

Saturday we got to the offices at about 10 and we started working! We went and got the house for the senior couple paid for.  We got the keys so we could start moving in on monday!  We went to Correos de Mexico and go stuff done there!  Then to Walmart for the usual trip the day before the assistants get there.  And just got all the que haceres done!  Then we went to the food  with Laura and that was fun! Then we went for some presentacion that the young women were doing at the church to support people!  Then we went to Our investigators birthday dinner and ate some really good food and taught her a little bit!  Then from there we went and taught Julio again and he seemed all ready to go the church!  Just waiting for tomorrow to see exactly what happens!

Sunday we went to church and actually had a really good turnout!  Things went well but the saddest part is that Julio didn't go!!  I guess it is just at the point now where we might have to consider dropping him!  It is going to be hard but it is something that might have to happen!  That was about it for us this week!

This week I have been studying this talk given by Neal A Maxwell about Patience! It is an awesome talk and I will add the link!  It talks all about patience and how it can help us in our live and what it means to truly be patient!!  One scripture I love and pulled out comes from James. As missionaries we read a lot from James and I never knew this exisisted before I started reading the talk!  

 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

It is saying that we need to be patience and that will go slowly forming us into perfection!  We have tons of different trials that are always presented to us and if we can suffer them patiently God will bless us immensely!

I hope that you can have a great week!!  I love you guys!!

Elder Orchard

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